What is bee pollen & how is it collected?
Bee Pollen is a fine powdery substance collected from the stamen of flower blossoms and is naturally granulated by the bees. Bees collect it to feed their young.
One of the most amazing bee pollen facts is that it takes one bee working eight hours a day, one month to gather just one teaspoon of bee pollen granules.
That small teaspoon of bee pollen granules contains 2.5 billions grains of flower pollen!
Western Australia has a high density of unique plant species that produce high quality pollens. These are harvested free of chemicals from pristine forests and conservation reserves.
In this areas, and only at certain times of the year, worker bees collect more pollen than the hive needs, so beekeepers are able to collect the surplus. As the bees enters the hive they pass through some special brushes and most of the pollen falls through into a collection tray.
Why is it considered a highly nutritious product?.
Bee pollen is a biologically active compound containing a rich supply of important nutrients for the human system including:
• All essential amino acids (bee pollen contains the eight essential amino acids, which the human body cannot produce.)
• Vitamins A, B Complex series C, D, E, K, and Rutin.
• 28 Minerals, including Trace Minerals needed for good health.
• Enzymes and Co-Enzymes necessary for good digestion.
Bee pollen is the only known food in the world with all essential ingredients necessary to sustain life.
It is used in a wide range of applications including:
• Treating allergies, anemia, asthma, immune system disorders, infertility, kidney disorders, menopause, prostate disease and ulcers.
• Improving athletic endurance
• Aiding recovery from illnesses such as chronic fatigue,
• Boosting the immune system.
Taken every day, bee pollen has been shown to improve general feelings of well being and make you feel more vibrant and energised. As it provides a great source of antioxidants it encourages glowing skin, may help boost immunity and elevate energy levels.
How should I take it?
Start with a pinch of granules to ensure no adverse reaction and in crease by a ¼ of a teaspoon until you reach the recommended serving size of between 5g-10g per day.
• Sprinkle over your morning muesli
• Add it into smoothies or juices
• Include it in your protein balls
• Sprinkle over fresh cut fruit and yoghurt
• Enjoy straight
It is important to note that in rare cases, an allergic reaction to pollen may be experienced.
Roberta Fairbairn –
Love bee pollen – little balls of delicious goodness. I sprinkle mine on fruit & yogurt or muesli & yogurt and enjoy the sweetness and health benefits it adds to a breakfast bowl.
Liz Keenan –
My husband and I have this every morning on fruit & yogurt. Little bursts of subtle sweetness. We now order in the 3x pack because we go through it so quickly. We’re also grateful to be able to buy this through an Australian company that is doing such good for our bees. Obsessed.
Stephen Barnes –
I have Been a Lover of this since I first was able to try it at my local markets!
I enjoy a little bit straight into my daily smoothies, also straight into some yogurt !!
I Love the Flavour, especially as i’ve been having it regularly however most friends I introduce it too find it too tangy, tho a few are sold on the health benefits and I couldn’t imagine not having it as a staple in my daily nutrition!